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Release Notes - May 25, 2021
Cerby Team avatar
Written by Cerby Team
Updated over a week ago

New Features

  • Okta integration now supports provisioning and deprovisioning via SCIM.

  • Initial Facebook app integration has been approved by Facebook (App ID: 2965389650414399).

  • Data Export UI is now available for Activity Report.

  • Facebook support - it is now possible to share Facebook ad assets and page assets to other users within your Cerby workspace.

  • Collections support - it is now possible to add accounts to existing Collections.

  • Collections support - it is now possible to bulk share all accounts belonging to a Collection.

  • For non-IDP-backed Cerby accounts, 2FA support is now available.


  • Now able to fully log out of SAML-based Okta workspaces.

  • Click space for Collections is expanded so clicking on the Collections header fully expands the Collection.

  • The Ad Account name is now pulled correctly from Facebook.

  • Browser Extension: When no matches are found for a login form based on domain, the search bar will not appear until the user clicks on View All Accounts.

  • iOS Password Manager extension now observes longer sessions and does not error out after three hours.

Known Issues

  • Facebook App must be owned and/or a child of the main Facebook Business Manager account in order to be able to invite other Facebook Business Manager users.

  • Facebook account linking button overflows display container in certain browsers.

  • The last password rotation is not being shown in the Account Settings view.

  • QR code scanning does not work for longer OTP seeds (30+ characters).

  • The logged-in state is not immediately detected in the iOS and Android Cerby mobile apps.

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