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How to Configure 2FA in Instagram Manually

This article describes how to configure 2FA in Instagram manually using a Cerby-managed phone number and email address.

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Written by Cerby Team
Updated over 3 years ago

The Cerby platform has a central feature that enables users to automatically configure two-factor authentication (2FA) for their accounts with service providers. This feature adds an extra layer of security to authentication processes.

However, not all service providers support automation for configuring 2FA from Cerby. In these cases, users must manually configure 2FA in the platforms of their service providers.

This article describes the steps to configure 2FA in Instagram manually using a Cerby-managed phone number and email address.

Supported Features

The following are the supported features for configuring 2FA in Instagram:

  • Auto-login from Instagram. This streamlined process occurs when users log out from Instagram and log in using the Cerby browser extension. The extension automatically fills the username and password on the login page and fills the login code on the authentication challenge page.

  • Recovery codes backup. This feature enables users to save in Cerby the recovery codes provided by Instagram after configuring 2FA so that they can retrieve them whenever necessary from their corresponding workspace.


The following are the requirements to configure 2FA in Instagram:

  • An account in Cerby with an Account Owner role.

  • An Instagram account onboarded in Cerby.

  • An active Instagram account.

  • The Instagram mobile application installed on your mobile phone.

Configuring 2FA in Instagram

To configure 2FA in Instagram, you must complete different steps depending on the platform you use:

NOTE: Instagram only supports phone numbers as a verification method when configuring 2FA with the browser. You can configure both a phone number and an authentication application using the Instagram mobile application.

The following sections describe the steps to configure 2FA using each platform.

Turning On 2FA with the Browser

To turn on 2FA with the browser, you must complete the following main steps from the Instagram website:

The following sections describe each main step.

1. Accessing the 2FA Settings

To access the 2FA settings, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to your Instagram account.

  2. Click the Profile button with your picture or avatar located at the top right of the screen. A drop-down list is displayed.

  3. Select the Settings option from the drop-down list. The Edit Profile page is displayed.

  4. Click the Privacy and Security button from the left navigation drawer. The Privacy and Security page is displayed.

  5. Click the Edit Two-Factor Authentication Setting button located in the Two-Factor Authentication section. The Two-Factor Authentication page is displayed.

    IMPORTANT: If the checkbox of the Use Text Message option is selected, it means you have already turned on 2FA and configured a phone number. Part of this phone number is hidden in a message, for example, “We'll send a code to ****1234.” You must turn off 2FA before proceeding with the instructions. To turn off 2FA, complete the following steps:

    1. Select the Use Text Message option. The Turn This Off? dialog box is displayed.

    2. Click the Turn Off button. The dialog box closes, the “Settings saved.” message is displayed at the bottom of the Two-Factor Authentication page, and the checkbox of the Use Text Message option is deselected.

2. Selecting a Verification Method

To select a Cerby-managed phone number as a verification method, complete the following steps from the Two-Factor Authentication page:

  1. Select the Use Text Message option. The Turn This On? dialog box is displayed.

  2. Click the Turn On button. The dialog box closes, and a page with a Phone Number field is displayed.

    NOTE: If the Phone Number field displays a phone number, it means that number was already configured. You can change it to a Cerby-managed phone number in step 3.

  3. Enter the phone number provided by Cerby in the Phone number field. Instagram uses this phone number to send a verification code. To create a phone number managed by Cerby, follow the Creating a Cerby-Managed Phone Number or Email Address instructions.

    IMPORTANT: Make sure to enter a plus (+) sign and the country code before the 10-digit phone number.

  4. Click the Next button. The Confirmation page is displayed.

3. Entering the Confirmation Code

To enter the confirmation code, complete the following steps from the Confirmation page.

  1. Enter the confirmation code in the Confirmation Code field. This code is sent by Instagram to the phone number you have created in Cerby. To retrieve the code, follow the Retrieving the Verification Code from Cerby instructions.

  2. Click the Done button. The “Settings saved.” message box is displayed at the bottom of the screen and automatically closes after several seconds.

  3. Refresh the page. The Two-Factor Authentication page displays the checkbox of the Use Text Message option selected.

Now you have turned on 2FA with a Cerby-managed phone number.

Turning On 2FA with the Mobile Application

To turn on 2FA with the Instagram mobile application, you must complete the following main steps:

The following sections describe each main step.

1. Accessing the 2FA Settings

To access the 2FA settings, complete the following steps from the Instagram mobile application:

  1. Log in to your Instagram account.

  2. Tap the Profile button with your picture or avatar located at the right in the bottom navigation drawer. The Edit profile screen is displayed.

  3. Tap the Home button located in the top right of the screen. A drop-down list is displayed.

  4. Tap the Settings button from the drop-down list. The Settings page is displayed.

  5. Tap the Security button. The Security page is displayed.

  6. Tap the Two-factor authentication button located in the Login security section. The Two-Factor Authentication page is displayed with the Add extra security to your account section.

    NOTE: If you have previously turned on 2FA, the Two-Factor Authentication screen displays the Two-factor authentication is on section with the verification methods options with an “On” status. Follow the corresponding instructions to change the verification methods with an “On” status:

  7. Tap the Get started button. The Two-Factor Authentication page is displayed with the Choose your security method section. You are prompted to select at least one of three security methods.

2. Selecting a Verification Method

To select a verification method, you must complete different steps from the Two-Factor Authentication screen with the Choose your security method section depending on the switch you activate:

  • NOTE: Cerby recommends enabling the Authentication app method as your primary verification method for 2FA, and Text message, as secondary.

The following sections describe the steps to configure each verification method.

Authentication App

To select Cerby as the Authentication app verification method, complete the following steps:

  1. Activate the Authentication app switch. The Authentication app screen is displayed.

  2. Click the Set Up Another Way button. The Your Key screen is displayed with a secret key.

    TIP: Click the Copy Key button to copy the secret key to the clipboard. You need this key to link your Instagram account to Cerby with the mobile application.

  3. Link your Instagram account to Cerby using the secret key. To link your account, follow the corresponding instructions depending on the platform you use:

  4. Click the Next button. The Confirmation code screen is displayed.

  5. Enter the confirmation code provided by Cerby in the Enter Confirmation Code field.

  6. Click the Next button. The Confirmation screen is displayed.

  7. Click the Done button. The Account Recovery screen is displayed with a list of recovery codes that you can use if you lose your mobile phone or cannot receive codes via SMS or an authentication app.

  8. Save the recovery codes in Cerby to retrieve them from your workspace whenever you need them. To save the codes, follow the Saving Recovery Codes in Cerby instructions.

  9. Click the Back button. The Two-Factor Authentication screen is displayed with the Authentication app switch with an “On” status.

Linking Your Account with the Cerby Mobile Application

To link your Instagram account with the Cerby mobile application, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to your corresponding workspace using the Cerby mobile application.

  2. Tap your Instagram account card. A menu is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

  3. Tap the Scan Code button located at the bottom of the menu in the Add a second layer of protection section. The camera view of your mobile phone is displayed.

  4. Tap the Can’t scan the QR code? button. The Scan QR code screen is displayed.

  5. Enter the secret key provided by Instagram in the Secret Key: field.

    TIP: Paste the secret key that you copied previously to the clipboard.

    IMPORTANT: Remove the spaces of the alphanumerical secret key.

  6. Click the Save Secret button. A screen with a confirmation code is displayed. You need this code to complete the 2FA configuration in Instagram.

    TIP: Click the Copy button to copy the confirmation code to the clipboard.

Linking Your Account with the Cerby Web Application

To link your Instagram account with the Cerby web application, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to your corresponding workspace using the Cerby web application in a browser.

  2. Click the All accounts button in the left-side navigation drawer. The All accounts view is displayed.

  3. Click the Settings button of the corresponding Instagram account card. The Account Settings page is displayed with the General tab activated.

  4. Click the Save Code button located in the TWO-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION section. The Save Code dialog box is displayed.

  5. Enter the secret key provided by Instagram in the Secret Key: field.

    IMPORTANT: Remove the spaces of the alphanumerical secret key.

  6. Click the Save Code button. The Verify your code dialog box and a success message are displayed. This dialog box contains the verification code you need to complete the 2FA configuration in Instagram.

Adding an Authentication Application

To add Cerby as an authentication application when 2FA is turned on, complete the following steps from the Two-Factor Authentication screen with the Two-factor authentication is on section:

  1. Tap the Authentication app option with the “On” status. The Authentication app screen is displayed.

  2. Tap the Add button in the Connected devices section. The Connect device screen is displayed.

  3. Enter a name for the authentication application in the Name field. For example, Cerby.

  4. Tap the Next button. The Connect device screen displays the Instructions for setup section and the secret key.

    TIP: Click the Copy Key button to copy the secret key to the clipboard. You need this key to link your Instagram account to Cerby with the mobile application.

  5. Set up Cerby as an authentication application by following steps 3 to 8 of the Authentication App instructions.

Text message

To select a Cerby-managed phone number as the Text message verification method, you must complete different steps depending on whether you have previously configured a phone number or not:

Registering a New Phone Number

To register a new phone number, complete the following steps:

  1. Activate the Text message switch. The Phone Number screen is displayed.

  2. Tap the country code field. The SELECT YOUR COUNTRY drop-down list is displayed.

  3. Select the United States (+1) option from the list. The country code field displays the US +1 value.

  4. Enter the phone number provided by Cerby in the Add Phone Number field. Instagram uses this phone number to send a confirmation code. To create a phone number managed by Cerby, follow the Creating a Cerby-Managed Phone Number or Email Address instructions.

  5. Tap the Next button. The Confirmation code screen is displayed.

Changing the Phone Number

To change the configured phone number, complete the following steps:

  1. Activate the Text message switch. The Confirmation code screen is displayed with the Enter confirmation code section and a message with the last four digits of the configured phone number.

  2. Tap the Change Phone Number button located at the bottom of the screen. The Phone Number screen is displayed with the Add Phone Number section.

  3. Tap the country code field. The SELECT YOUR COUNTRY drop-down list is displayed.

  4. Select the United States (+1) option from the list. The country code field displays the US +1 value.

  5. Enter the phone number provided by Cerby in the Add Phone Number field. Instagram uses this phone number to send a confirmation code. To create a phone number managed by Cerby, follow the Creating a Cerby-Managed Phone Number or Email Address instructions.

  6. Tap the Next button. The Confirmation code screen is displayed.

Changing the Verified Phone Number

To change the configured phone number for 2FA, complete the following steps:

  1. Tap the Text message option with the “On” status. The Text message controls screen is displayed.

  2. Tap the Change phone number button. The Two-Factor Authentication screen is displayed with the Update Phone Number section.

  3. Tap the country code field. The SELECT YOUR COUNTRY drop-down list is displayed.

  4. Select the United States (+1) option from the list. The country code field displays the US +1 value.

  5. Enter the phone number provided by Cerby in the Add Phone Number field. Instagram uses this phone number to send a confirmation code. To create a phone number managed by Cerby, follow the Creating a Cerby-Managed Phone Number or Email Address instructions.

  6. Tap the Next button. The Confirmation code screen is displayed.

  7. Enter the confirmation code in the Enter Confirmation Code field. This code is sent by Instagram to the phone number you have created in Cerby. To retrieve the code, follow the Retrieving the Verification Code from Cerby instructions.

  8. Click the Next button. The Confirmation screen is displayed with the Phone number updated section.

3. Entering the Confirmation Code

To enter the confirmation code, complete the following steps from the Confirmation code screen.

  1. Enter the confirmation code in the Enter Confirmation Code field. This code is sent by Instagram to the phone number you have created in Cerby. To retrieve the code, follow the Retrieving the Verification Code from Cerby instructions.

  2. Click the Next button. The Confirmation screen is displayed with the Two-factor authentication is on section.

  3. Click the Done button. The Account Recovery screen is displayed with a list of recovery codes that you can use if you lose your mobile phone or cannot receive codes via SMS or an authentication app.

  4. Save the recovery codes in Cerby to retrieve them from your workspace whenever you need them. To save the codes, follow the Saving Recovery Codes in Cerby instructions.

  5. Click the Back button. The Two-Factor Authentication page is displayed with the Text message switch activated.

Now you are done.

Creating a Cerby-Managed Phone Number or Email Address

To create a phone number or email address managed by Cerby, complete the following steps from the Cerby web application:

  1. Log in to your corresponding Cerby workspace in a browser.

  2. Click the All accounts button in the left-side navigation drawer. The All accounts view is displayed.

  3. Click the Settings button of the corresponding Instagram account card. The Account Settings page is displayed with the General tab activated. You must complete different steps depending on the verification method you want Cerby to provide:

The following sections describe the steps for each alternative.

Creating a Phone Number

To create a phone number, complete the following steps from the General tab of the Account Settings page:

  1. Activate the Create Phone Number switch located in the Account Security section. The Create Phone Number dialog box is displayed with a phone number in the Auto-generated phone number field.

  2. Select the “I have already added the phone number to Instagram account settings.” and “I’m using this phone for 2FA.” options. The Create Phone Number button is enabled.

  3. Click the Create Phone Number button. The dialog box closes, and the Account Settings page displays a success message.

    IMPORTANT: Make sure you complete steps 2 and 3 to create the phone number. If you omit these steps, Cerby will not be able to retrieve the verification code to be sent by Instagram.

    TIP: Keep your Cerby workspace open because you need it to retrieve the verification code.

Creating an Email Address

To create an email address, complete the following steps from the General tab of the Account Settings page:

  1. Activate the Create Email Address switch located in the Account Security section. The Create Email Address dialog box is displayed with an email address in the Auto-generated email alias field.

  2. Select the “I have already added the email address to Instagram account settings.” option. The Create Email Address button is enabled.

  3. Click the Create Email Address button. The dialog box closes, and the Account Settings page displays a success message.

    IMPORTANT: Make sure you complete steps 2 and 3 to create the email address. If you omit these steps, Cerby will not be able to retrieve the verification code to be sent by Instagram.

    TIP: Keep your Cerby workspace open because you need it to retrieve the verification code.

Retrieving the Verification Code from Cerby

To retrieve the verification code from Cerby, whether it was sent by Instagram via SMS or email, complete the following steps from the Cerby web application:

  1. Open your Cerby workspace in the browser.

  2. Click the Shared Inbox button in the left-side navigation drawer. The Shared Inbox view is displayed with a table of messages. The verification code is displayed in the Message column of the corresponding Instagram SMS or email message.

    TIP: Keep your Cerby workspace open because you need it to save your recovery codes.

Saving Recovery Codes in Cerby

To save your recovery codes in Cerby, complete the following steps from the Cerby web application:

  1. Open your Cerby workspace in the browser.

  2. Click the All accounts button in the left-side navigation drawer. The All accounts view is displayed.

  3. Click the Settings button of the corresponding Instagram account card. The Account Settings page is displayed with the General tab activated.

  4. Click the Add Codes button located in the Emergency Controls section. The Add 2FA Backup Codes dialog box is displayed.

  5. Enter the recovery codes provided by Instagram in the 2FA Backup Codes text block.

  6. Click the Save Codes button. The dialog box closes, the Account Settings page displays a success message, and the Add Codes button changes to View Codes.

    IMPORTANT: Whenever you need to see the recovery codes, click the View Codes button in the Emergency Controls section.

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