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Configure SSO between Cerby and JumpCloud with SAML

This article describes how to configure JumpCloud to enable SSO with Cerby using a custom SAML application.

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Written by Cerby Team
Updated over 2 months ago

All Cerby users are able to configure a default Identity Provider (IdP) such as JumpCloud to leverage the Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication feature to securely authenticate using a single set of credentials.

JumpCloud uses a Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) application to integrate with other service providers easily. In this case, the integration is with Amazon Cognito, and the SAML application is customized and points to a specific Cerby workspace.

This article describes how to configure JumpCloud as the primary IdP to enable SSO with the Cerby platform using a SAML integration.

Supported features

The following are the supported features of configuring SSO between Cerby and JumpCloud with SAML:

  • Service provider-initiated authentication flow: This authentication flow occurs when users attempt to log in to the application from Cerby.

  • Automatic user account creation in Cerby: This provisioning flow in Cerby occurs automatically on the initial SSO.


The following are the requirements to configure SSO between Cerby and JumpCloud:

  • You must have administrator access to a JumpCloud tenant account.

  • You must have an internal JumpCloud user who can get an application assigned via groups.

  • You must have a user group to assign the application to. This group must have users already assigned as members.

  • You must have received an invitation from Cerby Support via email to create a workspace.

    IMPORTANT: If you have not received an invitation, send an email to with your request.

Configuring SSO between Cerby and JumpCloud with SAML

To configure SSO between Cerby and JumpCloud with a SAML integration, you must complete four main steps:

The following sections describe each step.

1. Set up a workspace in Cerby

To set up a workspace in Cerby, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Create your Workspace button from the invitation email. The Welcome to Cerby page is displayed, as shown in Figure 1.

    Figure 1. Welcome to Cerby Page

  2. Click the Set up Generic SAML button. The Let's create your workspace page is displayed.

  3. Enter the name of your workspace in the Workspace name field, as shown in Figure 2. For example, Contentzilla.

    Figure 2. Let's Create Your Workspace Page

    NOTE: Remember the workspace name that you have entered. You need it later.

  4. Click the Create Workspace button. The Configure SSO through Your Generic SAML App page is displayed, as shown in Figure 3. This page contains information to configure the Cerby application in your JumpCloud tenant.

    Figure 3. Configure SSO through Your Generic SAML App Page

    IMPORTANT: Keep the Configure SSO through Your Generic SAML App page open because it contains the required values that you must provide to JumpCloud and Cerby to complete the configuration.

The next step is 2. Create an application in JumpCloud, which you must complete from JumpCloud.

2. Create an application in JumpCloud

To create an application in JumpCloud, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the JumpCloud Console as an administrator.

  2. Click the SSO button from the USER AUTHENTICATION drop-down list located in the left navigation drawer. The SSO page is displayed, as shown in Figure 4.

    Figure 4. SSO Page

  3. Click the Add app icon located to the left of the Search bar. The Configure New SSO Application dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5.

    Figure 5. Configure New SSO Application Dialog Box

  4. Click the Custom SAML App button located at the bottom of the dialog box. The New Application dialog box is displayed with the General Info tab activated, as shown in Figure 6.

    Figure 6. General Info Tab in the New Application Dialog Box

  5. Enter a name for your JumpCloud SAML application in the Display Label field. For example, Cerby SAML Contentzilla.

The next step is 3. Configure the connection settings, which you must complete from the New Application dialog box.

3. Configure the connection settings

To configure the connection settings of the SAML application with Cerby, complete the following steps:

  1. Activate the SSO tab, as shown in Figure 7.

    Figure 7. SSO Tab in the New Application Dialog Box

  2. Enter the following information in the corresponding fields:

    • Enter in the IdP Entity ID field.

    • Enter the corresponding values in the SP Entity ID and ACS URL fields from the Configure SSO through Your Generic SAML App page that you left open.

  3. Select the Declare Redirect Endpoint option located below on the page.

  4. Enter the attribute metadata required by Amazon Cognito by performing the following actions:

    1. Click three times the add attribute button of the USER ATTRIBUTE MAPPING field located at the bottom of the dialog box in the Attributes section. The Service Provider Attribute Name field and JumpCloud Attribute Name drop-down list are displayed with three rows, as shown in Figure 8.

      Figure 8. Attributes Section

    2. Select the email option from the JumpCloud Attribute Name drop-down list in the first row.

    3. Enter in the Service Provider Attribute Name field for the first row.

    4. Select the lastname option from the JumpCloud Attribute Name drop-down list in the second row.

    5. Enter in the corresponding Service Provider Attribute Name field for the second row.

    6. Select the firstname option from the JumpCloud Attribute Name drop-down list in the third row.

    7. Enter in the corresponding Service Provider Attribute Name field for the third row.

  5. Activate the User Groups tab, as shown in Figure 9.

    Figure 9. User Groups Tab in the New Application Dialog Box

  6. Select the option of the user group you want to assign the SAML application.

  7. Click the activate button located at the bottom of the dialog box. The Please confirm your new SSO connector instance dialog box is displayed.

  8. Click the continue button. The dialog box closes, and the SSO page is displayed with the SAML application you added recently and a success message box.

  9. Open the SAML application you added. The SAML 2.0 dialog box is displayed.

  10. Activate the SSO tab, as shown in Figure 10.

    Figure 10. SSO Tab in the SAML 2.0 Dialog Box

  11. Click the Export Metadata button below the JumpCloud Metadata field. An XML metadata file is automatically downloaded to your computer.

4. Finish the workspace creation in Cerby

To finish the workspace creation in Cerby, complete the following steps from the Configure SSO through Your Generic SAML App page that you left open:

  1. Upload the XML that you downloaded recently. The name of the file is displayed below the Metadata XML file field when it is uploaded.

    TIP: You can drag the file from another window or click the button below the Metadata XML file field to look for the file on your computer.

  2. Select the I have already assigned users or groups to the application option located in the 4. Assign People or Groups section.

  3. Click the Finish Configuration button located at the bottom of the page. The Your Workspace page is displayed confirming that your workspace has been created successfully.

  4. Click the Login button. The login page of JumpCloud is displayed.

  5. Authenticate with the credentials (email address and password) you use for JumpCloud. The Cerby dashboard is displayed.

Now you are done.

IMPORTANT: Currently, after creating a workspace, you cannot change its name or update the IdP settings.

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