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Set up trusted sessions on your devices

This article describes how to set up trusted sessions on your devices to access Cerby.

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Written by Cerby Team
Updated over 10 months ago

At Cerby, trusted sessions and devices help strengthen the security of your accounts. They provide an additional layer of protection by ensuring that all interactions with the Cerby platform come from authorized devices that meet corporate security standards.

Trusted devices are vital in local encryption vaults, where encryption and decryption operations are decentralized on such devices. A secure session must be set up and registered by Cerby for each of your devices because they hold the corresponding encryption and decryption keys to access and decrypt the data of the accounts and secrets you and your colleagues stored in your vaults.

A trusted device can be any of the three client apps you use to access a workspace: the Cerby web app, the Cerby browser extension, or the Cerby mobile app.

IMPORTANT: If you access the Cerby web app in different web browsers, you must set up a trusted session for each web app. It also applies if you install the Cerby browser extension in different browsers.

Regardless of their workspace role, all users must set up trusted sessions on their devices, and they can have up to 20 registered devices. When reaching the limit, users must disable a device before setting up a new one.

Trusted sessions are associated with their users; therefore, when a user is deprovisioned, all of their trusted sessions and devices are disabled automatically.

Management actions on trusted sessions and devices can only be performed using the Cerby web app.

This article describes how to set up and manage trusted sessions on your devices.

Set up a trusted session

Trusted sessions are a security requirement to use Cerby; therefore, all users must set up at least one session on a device.

When users join Cerby or log in to their workspace with any of the Cerby client apps, a dialog box, page, or screen is automatically displayed, asking them to set up a trusted session. For example, Figure 1 shows the Strengthen your account security dialog box for the configuration of a trusted session in the Cerby web app.

Figure 1. Strengthen your account security dialog box in the Cerby web app

To set up a trusted device, you must complete the following steps from the trusted session setup dialog box, page, or screen in the Cerby web app, browser extension, or mobile app, respectively:

TIP: Cerby recommends setting up your first trusted session on the Cerby web app. This initial setup is helpful when registering sessions on other devices and managing the previously registered sessions, which can only be performed from the web app.

  1. Click the Start button. The Name your device dialog box is displayed.

  2. Enter a name for your device in the Device name field.

    NOTE: Cerby creates a name by default for you using the format: [username][device name] - [operating system]/[browser]. If you want to change it, Cerby recommends using a name you can easily recognize and including the name of your web browser or mobile operating system. Device names must be unique.

  3. Click the Next button. Depending on whether you have previously set up a trusted session or not, one of the following scenarios occur:

    • If it is the first trusted session you are setting up or you are onboarding the Cerby browser extension, a message with a verification code is sent to your email, and the Verify your device dialog box is displayed:

      1. Copy the verification code from the email Cerby sent you.

        IMPORTANT: The verification code expires in 5 minutes.

      2. Enter the code in the Verification code field.

      3. Click the Verify code button. The dialog box closes, and a success message box is displayed.

    • If you have previously registered a trusted session on a Cerby web app, the Verify your identity dialog box is displayed with instructions to approve the device from a trusted session:

      1. Log in to Cerby from a trusted session on the Cerby web app.

      2. Select the My profile option from the user profile menu located in the top-right corner.

      3. Activate the My trusted devices tab in your Profile information. The list of your trusted sessions is displayed.

      4. Hover the mouse over the device with the Pending approval status. The Approve and Deny buttons are displayed.

      5. Click the Approve button. The status of the device changes to Approved, and a success message box appears for the session.

    • If you have previously registered a trusted session on a Cerby mobile app:

      1. Log in to Cerby from a trusted session on the Cerby mobile app.

      2. Tap the user profile menu. The My profile screen or side menu is displayed.

      3. Tap the My trusted devices option. The My trusted devices screen is displayed.

      4. Tap the device name with the Pending approval status. The Trust this session? screen is displayed.

      5. Tap the Approve button. The device is added to your trusted devices, and a success message box is displayed.

    • If you have previously set up a trusted session but don’t have your device at hand, the Verify your identity dialog box is displayed:

      1. Click the I don’t have access to my trusted device button, as shown in Figure 3.

        Figure 3. I don’t have access to my trusted device button

        The Name your device dialog box is displayed again.

      2. Click the Next button. A message with a verification code is sent to your email, and the Verify your device dialog box is displayed.

      3. Copy the verification code from the email Cerby sent you. IMPORTANT: The verification code expires in 5 minutes.

      4. Enter the code in the Verification code field.

      5. Click the Verify code button. The dialog box closes, and a success message box is displayed.

Set up a trusted session later

If you click the Remind me later button or dismiss the Set up trusted device screen on your mobile phone in the Strengthen your account security dialog box or screen, a message indicating that your current session is not secure is displayed on top.

To set up your device later, you must complete the following steps on your corresponding client app:

  • Cerby web app

    1. Click the user profile menu located at the top right of the dashboard. A drop-down menu is displayed.

    2. Select the My Profile option. The My Profile page is displayed.

    3. Activate the My trusted devices tab.

    4. Click the Set up this device button. The Strengthen your account security dialog box is displayed.

    5. Follow the instructions to set up your device.

  • Cerby browser extension

    1. Open the Cerby browser extension popup.

    2. Click the user profile icon located at the top right of the popup. The My Profile page is displayed.

    3. Click the Set up new device button. The Let's set up your extension to access Cerby page is displayed.

    4. Follow the instructions to set up your device.

  • Cerby mobile app

    1. Tap the yellow banner at the top of the screen, indicating that your current session is not secure. The Set up trusted device screen is displayed.

    2. Follow the instructions to set up your device.

Now, you can start managing your trusted sessions on your devices.

Related articles

The following articles contain more information about trusted sessions on your devices:

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