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Create a subcollection

This article describes how to create a subcollection, assign it to a parent collection, and add items to it.

Cerby Team avatar
Written by Cerby Team
Updated over 10 months ago

To create a subcollection, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to your corresponding Cerby workspace.

  2. Select the Collections option from the left navigation drawer. The Collections view is displayed.

  3. Click the Create collection button. The Create a collection wizard is displayed.

  4. Enter the name of the subcollection in the Collection name field.

  5. Select the Create as subcollection option. The Add as subcollection field appears.

  6. Enter the name of the collection where you want to add the subcollection in the Add as a subcollection here field. The collections that match the name are displayed on a list below the input field.

  7. Select the corresponding collection from the list.

  8. Click the Next button. The Add items to your collection window opens.

  9. Click the Add (+) icon of the accounts and secrets you want to include in the collection. The accounts are added to the Selected items list.
    ​TIP: You can use the search bars to look for specific accounts in the All items and Selected items lists.

  10. Click the Create collection button. The wizard closes, and a success message and the Subcollections tab of the parent collection are displayed. In this tab, you can see the list of subcollections that belong to the collection.

Now, you are done. You have successfully created a subcollection.

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