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Add a local partner to your workspace
Add a local partner to your workspace

This article describes how to add a local partner to your Cerby workspace.

Cerby Team avatar
Written by Cerby Team
Updated over a year ago

Who can use this feature?

  • Workspace Owners, Super Admins, and Admins

  • Available to Cerby Automate

  • Only supported using the Cerby web app

Cerby prioritizes the safest way for you to manage and collaborate with external parties, such as agencies, to access your accounts, secrets, and collections. We understand that, for you, having visibility of end-user actions is a significant effort in preventing security risks and facilitating effective collaboration.

For the previous scenario, Cerby offers Local Partners, an extension of the Partners feature that enables you to invite members who don't belong to your domain directly to your main workspace, streamlining collaboration without creating separate guest workspaces.

With this feature, you can create a subgroup of guest users inside your workspace to grant them access to the items they need for collaboration while you retain full control over these assets.

As a Workspace Admin, you can create a local partner within your Cerby workspace. Upon creating a local partner, you automatically become one of the Host Admins, granting you control over who can manage the partnership and external collaborators.

As a Host Admin, you can do the following:

  • Delegate ownership: Invite and assign other workspace members as Host Admins, sharing control and responsibility over the partnership.

  • Expand collaboration: Invite external collaborators from your partner's organization, selecting between granting them Guest Admin privileges for management capabilities within the partnership only or Guest User access for limited access, visibility, and interaction.

This article describes how to add a local partner to your Cerby workspace.


You must have the email address of the user from the partner’s side who will accept the invitation and establish the partnership within your Cerby workspace.

Add a local partner

To add a local partner to your Cerby workspace, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to your corresponding Cerby workspace.

  2. Select the Partners option from the left navigation drawer. The Partners view is displayed.

  3. Click the Add partner button. The Invite your partners dialog box is displayed.

  4. Select the Invite your partners to your workspace option.

  5. Click the Next button. The Enter your partner’s information dialog box is displayed.

  6. Enter the corresponding information in the following fields:

    • Assign a name for your partner’s company: It is the name of your partner’s company

    • Partner’s email address: It is the email address of the first member of your partner’s organization

    • Role: It is the role assigned to the first partner’s member. You can select one of the two following roles:

      • Guest admin: They can invite and remove guest users from the local partner and add items.

      • Guest user: They can only see and receive access to items.

    • Assign a partnership host: It is a workspace member who can manage a local partner and its guest admins and users. You can assign this role to yourself and other workspace members

  7. Click the Send Invite button. A success message box and the new local partner are displayed. Cerby sends an invitation email to the guest user to join your workspace.
    NOTE: You can see yourself and the guest member listed as members in the Members tab when you select the local partner in the Partners view.

Now you are done. You have successfully added a local partner to your workspace.

Figure 1 shows the Local Partners view with the Members tab activated. The Members tab shows the guest members and Host Admins of the Local Partner.

Figure 1. Local Partners view

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