Who can use this feature?
Account Owners
Available to Cerby Automate
Only supported using the Cerby web app
As an account Owner, you can accept or decline an access request for an account shared with guest members from a local partner.
To accept the request and share access to the account, you must complete the following steps:
Log in to your corresponding Cerby workspace.
βNOTE: You can also click the Open in Cerby button from the access request email you received, which will redirect you to the account details page with the Members tab activated. You can continue in step 3.Click the Settings icon of the corresponding account card. The account details page is displayed with the Settings tab activated.
Activate the Members tab. A table with account members is displayed. Members with a pending request are displayed with the Decline and Accept buttons in the Status column.
Click the Accept button of the corresponding account member. A success message box is displayed.