Who can use this feature?
App integration Owners
Available to Cerby Automate
Only supported using the Cerby web app
As an app integration Owner, you can re-assign a user account for your seat-based and paid social apps to a different Cerby account. To do so, you must complete the following steps:
Log in to your corresponding Cerby workspace.
Select the Apps option from the left navigation drawer. The Apps view is displayed.
Click the Settings icon of the corresponding app card. The app details page is displayed with the Settings tab activated.
Activate the Members tab.
Click the More options icon of the corresponding user. A drop-down list is displayed.
Select the Re-assign account option. The Re-assign account dialog box is displayed.
Click the Re-assign button. The dialog box closes, and a success message box is displayed. The user is moved to the Unmatched users tab.
Complete the following steps from the article Connect an App: