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Log in to Cerby as a guest user

This article describes how to log in as a guest user to any of the Cerby client apps: web app, browser extension, and mobile app.

Cerby Team avatar
Written by Cerby Team
Updated over 10 months ago

Who can use this feature?

  • Workspace Guest Users

  • Supported using the Cerby web app, browser extension, and mobile app

After joining a workspace as a guest user, you can log in to any of the Cerby client apps:

The following sections describe how to log in to each client app.

Cerby web app

To log in to the Cerby web app, you must complete the following steps using your web browser:

  1. Open the login page of your Cerby workspace. Depending on whether you have logged in previously or not to the Cerby web app, one of the following two pages is displayed:

    • Let's find your workspace page

      1. Enter the name of your workspace.

      2. Click the Next button. An authentication waiting page is displayed.

    • Hi, welcome back! page

      1. Click the Go to Workspace button of your workspace. An authentication waiting page is displayed.

    IMPORTANT: Proceed to step 2 right away because after a few seconds you are redirected to the corporate identity provider’s login page.

  2. Click the Log in as guest user button, as shown in Figure 1.

    Screenshot of the authentication waiting page. The Log in as guest user button is highlighted.

    Figure 1. Log in as a guest user button on the authentication waiting page

    The Cerby authentication page is displayed.

  3. Enter your username and password in the corresponding fields, as shown in Figure 2.

    Screenshot of the Cerby authentication waiting page. The Username and Password fields are highlighted.

    Figure 2. Username and Password fields on the Cerby authentication page

  4. Click the Sign in button. Depending on your 2FA status, one of the following two pages is displayed:

    • The Cerby verification page is displayed when 2FA is on, as shown in Figure 3.

      Screenshot of the Cerby verification page. An input field is displayed to enter a code from the 2FA verification method you have set up for your Cerby account.

      Figure 3. Cerby verification page

      1. Open the authenticator app you have set up for your Cerby account to retrieve the verification code.

      2. Enter the code on the Cerby verification page.

      3. Click the Sign in button. The Cerby web app dashboard is displayed.

    • The Cerby web app dashboard is displayed when 2FA is off.

Now you are done.

Cerby browser extension

To log in to the Cerby browser extension, you must complete the following steps using your web browser:

  1. Open the Cerby browser extension popup by clicking the Cerby icon from the extensions or add-ons section. Depending on whether you have logged in previously or not to the Cerby browser extension, one of the following two pages is displayed on the popup:

    • Welcome to Cerby page

      1. Click the Log in button. The Let's find your workspace page is displayed on the popup

      2. Enter the name of your workspace.

      3. Click the Next button. An authentication waiting page is displayed on a new browser tab, as shown above in Figure 1.

    • Hi there! page

      1. Click the Log in button of your workspace. An authentication waiting page is displayed on a new browser tab, as shown above in Figure 1.

    IMPORTANT: Proceed to step 2 right away because, after a few seconds, you are redirected to the corporate identity provider’s login page.

  2. Click the Log in as guest user button. The Cerby authentication page is displayed.

  3. Enter your username and password in the corresponding fields, as shown above in Figure 2.

  4. Click the Sign in button. Depending on your 2FA status, one of the following two pages is displayed:

    • The Cerby verification page is displayed when 2FA is on, as shown above in Figure 3.

      1. Open the authenticator app you have set up for your Cerby account to retrieve the verification code.

      2. Enter the code on the Cerby verification page.

      3. Click the Sign in button. The All set! page is displayed.

      4. Close the browser tab.

      5. Open the Cerby browser extension popup. The Cerby dashboard is displayed.

    • The All set! page is displayed when 2FA is off.

      1. Close the browser tab.

      2. Open the Cerby browser extension popup. The Cerby dashboard is displayed.

Now you are done.

Cerby mobile app

To log in to the Cerby mobile app, you must complete the following steps using your phone:

  1. Open the Cerby mobile app. The Welcome to Cerby! screen is displayed.

  2. Tap the Log in button. Depending on whether you have logged in previously or not to the Cerby mobile app, one of the following two pages is displayed on your web browser:

    • Let's find your workspace page

      1. Enter the name of your workspace.

      2. Tap the Next button. An authentication waiting page is displayed, as shown above in Figure 1.

    • Hi, welcome back! page

      1. Tap the Go to Workspace button of your workspace. An authentication waiting page is displayed, as shown above in Figure 1.

    IMPORTANT: Proceed to step 3 right away because, after a few seconds, you are redirected to the corporate identity provider’s login page.

  3. Tap the Log in as guest user button. The Cerby authentication page is displayed, as shown above in Figure 2.

  4. Enter your username and password in the corresponding fields.

  5. Tap the Sign in button. Depending on your 2FA status, one of the following two pages is displayed:

    • The Cerby verification page is displayed when 2FA is on, as shown above in Figure 3.

      1. Open the authenticator app you have set up for your Cerby account to retrieve the verification code.

      2. Enter the code on the Cerby verification page.

      3. Tap the Sign in button. The web browser closes, and the Cerby mobile app dashboard is displayed.

    • The Cerby mobile app dashboard is displayed when 2FA is off.

Now you are done.

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