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Update a user's role on a secret or secret item
Update a user's role on a secret or secret item

This article describes how to update the role of other workspace members on your secrets and secret items.

Cerby Team avatar
Written by Cerby Team
Updated over 7 months ago

Who can use this feature?

As a secret or secret item (such as WiFi, SSH keys, database, server, and custom item) Owner, you can update the role of other workspace members on your items using the Cerby web app. To do so, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to your corresponding Cerby workspace.

  2. Select the Secrets option from the left navigation drawer. The Secrets view is displayed.

  3. Click the Settings () icon of the corresponding secret card. The secret details page is displayed with the Settings tab activated.

    NOTE: If an identity challenge is configured, the Confirm your identity to continue dialog box is displayed, and a push notification is sent to your Cerby mobile app:

    1. Confirm your identity by tapping the It’s me! button from the Confirmation Request screen of your Cerby mobile app. The Confirm your identity to continue dialog box closes in the Cerby web app, and the secret details page is displayed with the Settings tab activated.

  4. Activate the Members tab. The User Overview section is displayed with a table of users who have shared access to the secret or secret item.

  5. Select the option from the Cerby role drop-down list that corresponds to the new role on the secret or secret item:

    • Owner: Members can share access, edit, add attachments, and manage the secret settings.

    • Collaborator: Members can only view the secret and download the attachments.

      IMPORTANT: Users who have received shared access to the same secret or secret item multiple times appear with the Mixed role status in the Cerby role column. When clicking the drop-down list, the Share secret dialog box is displayed with each access grant and role. You can only update the role if shared access is via a direct grant to the secret or a collection to which you have the Owner role.

    A success message box is displayed.

Now you are done.

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