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Install and configure the Cerby mobile app on Android
Install and configure the Cerby mobile app on Android

This article describes the key steps to install and configure the Cerby mobile app on Android.

Cerby Team avatar
Written by Cerby Team
Updated over 2 months ago

The Cerby mobile app enables you to access and manage your accounts, secrets, and collections from your Android mobile phone. It also serves as a second device to authenticate sensitive tasks by providing you with verification codes and confirming your identity with push notifications.

This article describes the steps to install and appropriately configure the required settings of the Cerby mobile app.


The following are the requirements to install, configure, and use the Cerby mobile app on Android:

Install and configure the Cerby mobile app on Android

To install and configure the Cerby mobile app on your Android mobile phone, you must complete the following main steps:

The following sections describe each main step.

1. Install from the Play Store

To install the Cerby mobile app on your mobile phone from the Play Store, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Cerby mobile app in Google Play.

  2. Tap the Install button. The Cerby mobile app is downloaded and installed on your phone.

2. Turn on the Autofill Service on your mobile phone

The Autofill Service feature enables Cerby to securely and efficiently manage and fill in usernames and passwords within apps and login pages, saving you the hassle of manually entering your login credentials every time you log in to your corporate account.

To continue the configuration of the Cerby mobile app and turn on the Autofill Service, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Cerby mobile app on your phone.

  2. Swipe the screen to the left until you see the Easily AutoFill passwords with Cerby screen.

  3. Activate the Allow AutoFill from Cerby switch. The Preferred service screen is displayed with the available options to store and manage passwords, access keys, and autofill information.

  4. Select the Cerby option. The Cerby Service Statement dialog box is displayed.

  5. Tap the OK button to agree to the service statement. The dialog box closes.

  6. Return to the Cerby application to continue the configuration.

3. Turn on the Allow Notifications feature on your mobile phone

The Allow Notifications feature enables you to receive real-time alerts and updates from the Cerby mobile app, such as verifying your identity to reveal a secret or other actions.

To continue the configuration and turn on the Allow Notifications feature, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Swipe the screen to the left. The Enable notifications to verify your identity screen is displayed.

  2. Activate the Allow notifications switch. The Allow Cerby to send notifications? dialog box is displayed.

  3. Select the Allow option. The Allow notifications switch is turned on.

  4. Tap the Continue button. The Welcome to Cerby screen is displayed.

4. Log in to your Cerby workspace

To log in to your Cerby workspace with the Cerby mobile app, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Tap the Log in button in the Welcome to Cerby screen. The Let’s find your workspace account screen is displayed.

  2. Enter the name of your Cerby workspace in the Enter your workspace name below field.

  3. Tap the Next button. The login page of your identity provider (IdP) is displayed.

  4. Log in to your IdP. The Turn on Face ID to unlock Cerby screen is displayed.

5. Turn on the Biometrics Login on your mobile phone

The Cerby mobile app enables you to use your biometric information, such as your face ID or fingerprint, to unlock the app and add an extra layer of security to your app. To learn more about this feature, refer to the article Turn on the Biometrics Login feature.

To continue the configuration and turn on the Biometrics Login feature, you must complete the following steps:

NOTE: This step is not mandatory. You can set up the Biometrics Login later by tapping the Maybe later option in the Turn on Face ID to unlock Cerby screen and skipping to step 6. Set up the Cerby mobile app as a trusted session.

  1. Tap the Set up biometrics button in the Turn on Face ID to unlock Cerby screen. The Activate Biometrics screen is displayed.

  2. Enter your password in the Enter your password field.

  3. Tap the Next button. The Let’s set up your mobile device as a trusted device screen is displayed.

6. Set up the Cerby mobile app as a trusted device

Trusted sessions and devices provide users with an additional layer of protection by ensuring that all interactions with Cerby come from authorized devices that meet corporate security standards. To learn more about trusted sessions, refer to the article Set up trusted sessions on your devices.

To continue the configuration and set up your Cerby mobile app as a trusted device, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Tap the Set up device button in the Let’s set up your mobile device as a trusted device screen. The Name your device screen is displayed.

  2. Enter a name for your device in the Device name field.

    NOTE: Cerby creates a name by default for you using the format: [username] - [operating system]. If you want to change it, Cerby recommends using a device name you can easily recognize and including the name of your mobile OS. Device names must be unique.

  3. Tap the Next button. The Verify your identity screen is displayed with the following options to approve the device from a trusted session:

    • Approve from another trusted session

      1. Log in to Cerby from a trusted session on the Cerby web app.

      2. Select the My profile option from the user profile menu located in the top-right corner.

      3. Activate the My trusted devices tab in your Profile information. The list of your trusted sessions is displayed.

      4. Hover the mouse over the device with the Pending approval status. The Approve and Deny buttons are displayed.

      5. Click the Approve button. The Cerby dashboard screen and a success message box are displayed on your mobile app.

    • Approve using a secure code

      1. Tap the I don’t have access to my trusted device option. The Verify your device screen is displayed, and a message with a verification code is sent to your email.

      2. Copy the verification code from the email Cerby sent you.

        IMPORTANT: The verification code expires in 5 minutes.

      3. Enter the code in the Verification code field in your mobile app.

      4. Tap the Verify code button. The dialog box closes, and a success message box is displayed. The Cerby dashboard screen and a success message box are displayed on your mobile app.

    • Set up the trusted session later

      1. Tap the Continue without a secure session option. The Cerby dashboard screen and a warning banner indicating that your session is not secured are displayed. You can set up the trusted session by tapping the Right arrow () button and following the instructions.

Now you are done.

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