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Explore Activity

This article describes the benefits of the Activity view to monitor and analyze activity on your Cerby workspace in real time.

Cerby Team avatar
Written by Cerby Team
Updated over 4 months ago

With the Activity view, you can monitor and analyze activity on your Cerby workspace in real time. This view contains information about events on accounts, partners, teams, integrations, secrets, and automated tasks.

The Activity view offers different filtering options, enabling you to customize displayed data to focus on specific events, accounts, or users, ensuring you only see the most relevant information.

The data displayed on the view is organized into the following columns:

  • The time when each event was registered

  • A description or category of the activity

  • The associated account

  • The application where the event occurred

  • The user involved in the event

  • The geographical location

  • The operating system in use

  • The originating device

You can monitor events in real time and get immediate insights that support quick, informed decision-making, enabling you to respond to potential issues as they arise, thus enhancing workspace security and control.

Furthermore, the Activity view also includes a report download feature to export activity data as a CSV file for deeper analysis, record-keeping, and sharing insights with team members or stakeholders, making it a powerful tool for maintaining and optimizing workspace performance.

Figure 1 shows the Activity view that you can access from the left navigation drawer of the Cerby web app dashboard.

Figure 1. Activity view in the Cerby web app dashboard

Related articles

Refer to the following articles to learn more about the Activity view:

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