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Retrieve the SCIM API authentication token from Cerby
Retrieve the SCIM API authentication token from Cerby

This article describes how to retrieve the SCIM API authentication token to configure automatic provisioning with your IdP tenant.

Cerby Team avatar
Written by Cerby Team
Updated over 9 months ago

Who can use this feature?

  • Workspace Owners, Super Admins, and Admins

  • Only supported using the Cerby web app

Cerby uses the System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) specification to configure automatic user and group provisioning between identity providers (IdPs), such as Okta and Entra ID (formerly Azure AD), and the multiple applications that companies use.

By enabling automatic provisioning, Cerby can manage the creation and synchronization of user accounts and teams based on the user and group assignments in your corporate IdP. To configure automatic provisioning and authenticate SCIM provisioning requests, you need a SCIM API authentication token generated by Cerby.

To retrieve the SCIM API authentication token, complete the following steps:

IMPORTANT: To view the SCIM API authentication token, you must verify your identity. Therefore, you must have installed and logged in to the Cerby mobile application to receive push notifications.

  1. Log in to your corresponding Cerby workspace.

  2. Select the Settings option from the left navigation drawer. The Workspace Configuration page is displayed.

  3. Activate the IDP Settings tab. The details of your IDP and the Directory Sync section are displayed, as shown in Figure 1.

    Figure 1. Directory Sync section in the IDP Settings tab

  4. Click the View Token button located in the Directory Sync section. The Confirm your identity to continue dialog box is displayed, and a push notification is sent to your Cerby mobile app.

  5. Confirm your identity by using one of Cerby's multi-factor authentication methods. The Confirm your identity to continue dialog box closes in the Cerby web app, and the Show Token dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 2.

    Figure 2. Show Token dialog box

  6. Click the Copy button to copy the SCIM API authentication token to the clipboard.

    TIP: Keep the Show Token dialog box open, as shown in Figure 2, to copy the token at any time. You need the token to configure automatic provisioning with your IdP tenant.

Now you’re done.

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