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Set up your identity with Cerby's MFA methods

This article describes Cerby’s MFA methods for verifying a user’s identity for secrets and Business Hubs and performing other actions.

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Written by Cerby Team
Updated over a week ago

With Cerby's multi-factor authentication (MFA) methods, you can choose how users confirm their identities through a push notification on the Cerby mobile app or via an email with a magic link. These methods ensure secure access for performing identity-sensitive actions, such as viewing or editing a secret, regardless of any device constraints.

This article describes how each MFA method works and the actions that require identity confirmation:

The following sections contain the steps to confirm your identity using each method.

Push notification on the Cerby mobile app

With the push notification on the Cerby mobile app, you receive a push notification in real time on your registered mobile device whenever you need to confirm your identity.

IMPORTANT: Cerby is configured to use this method by default to confirm users’ identities for the actions listed in the List of actions that require identity confirmation section.

To confirm your identity through the Cerby mobile app, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Set up a trusted session with your mobile device.

  2. Perform any of the actions listed in the List of actions that require identity confirmation section. The Confirm your identity to continue dialog box is displayed, and a push notification is sent to the Cerby mobile app.

  3. Tap the It’s me! button in the Confirmation Request screen of the Cerby mobile app. The Confirm your identity to continue dialog box closes in the Cerby web app, and a success message box is displayed.

Email magic link

The email magic link is an alternative if you have restrictions or issues with receiving push notifications on your phone or if your company prefers to confirm users’ identities through email. When this option is enabled, you receive an email containing a magic link that, when clicked, confirms your identity in the Cerby web app and grants access.

IMPORTANT: If you are interested in this feature but don't see it available in your workspace, contact our Customer Support team via email at

To confirm your identity through an email magic link, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Perform any of the actions listed in the List of actions that require identity confirmation section. The Confirm your identity to continue dialog box is displayed.
    NOTE: The actions apply to any Cerby clients: web app, browser extension, and mobile app.

  2. Click the Send email button. The Check your inbox dialog box is displayed, and Cerby sends an email with a magic link to your inbox.

  3. Open the Action required: Confirm your identity email in your inbox.

  4. Click or tap the Confirm my identity magic link from the email message. The Cerby web app is displayed on a new browser tab:

    • If the identity confirmation is correct, then the Identity is confirmed. Your good to go! message is displayed, and you are redirected to the action you previously performed.

    • If the identity confirmation fails, an error message is displayed, and you must repeat the identity verification process.

List of actions that require identity confirmation

You must confirm your identity when performing the following actions:

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