All Collections
Create a collection
Create a collection

This article describes how to create a collection, add items to it, and optionally share it with other workspace members and teams.

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Written by Cerby Team
Updated over a week ago

Who can use this feature?

  • Workspace Owners, Super Admins, Admins, and Users

  • Available to all Cerby products. Cerby Protect users must have already set up their trusted devices

To create a collection and optionally share it with other workspace members and teams, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to your corresponding Cerby workspace.

  2. Select the Collections option from the left navigation drawer. The Collections view is displayed.

  3. Click the Create collection button. A wizard is displayed on the Create a collection page.

  4. Enter a name for your collection in the Collection name field.
    โ€‹NOTE: This page includes the Create as subcollection option. For more information about subcollections, read the Explore Subcollections article.

  5. Click the Next button. The Add items to your collection page is displayed. The list of accounts and secrets you own is displayed on this page.

  6. Click the Add (+) icon from the All items section that corresponds to the item you want to add to your collection. The item is added to a list in the Selected items section.

  7. Repeat step 6 as necessary.

    TIP: You can filter the list of items by activating the Accounts or Secrets tabs in the All items section. You can also use the search bars to look for specific items both in the All items and Selected items sections.

  8. Decide whether you want only to create the collection or share and create it:

    • Create the collection:

      1. Click the Create collection button. The wizard closes, a success message box is displayed, and the new collection is added to the Collections view.
        โ€‹NOTE: You can share the collection later with other workspace members and teams by following the instructions in the Share a collection article.

    • Share and create the collection:

      1. Click the Share collection button. The Share access page is displayed.

      2. Enter the name of the workspace members or teams you want to share the collection in the search bar. The members or teams that match the name you entered are displayed automatically on a list.

      3. Select the corresponding option from the list. The member or team is added to the list below.

      4. Repeat steps ii and iii as necessary.

      5. Select the role to assign to the workspace members and teams from the Role drop-down list:

        • Collaborator: They can only log in to the accounts, view the secrets, and download the secret attachments.

        • Owner: They can share access to the collection and manage the item settings.

      6. Customize the message to send when you share the collection in the Message field.

      7. Click the Share button. The wizard closes, a success message box is displayed, and the new collection is added to the Collections view.

Import folders from LastPass

To import folders and subfolders from your password manager as collections and subcollections in Cerby, follow the instructions in the article How to use the Password Manager Importer.

After importing your folders and subfolders, you can start managing their items and user access to them securely.

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