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Connect a Meta Business Manager native partner to Cerby
Connect a Meta Business Manager native partner to Cerby

This article describes how to connect a Meta Business Manager native partner to gain visibility on the users with access to your assets.

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Written by Cerby Team
Updated over a year ago

With Cerby, you can connect a Meta Business Manager native partner to your workspace to gain visibility on the partner’s users with shared access to your assets.

This connection is established via a token that your partner must generate in their Meta Business Manager and share with you. After you add the native partner to Cerby, you can use our API- and robotic process automation (RPA)-based integration to sync and import the user data of your Meta Business Manager, including your partner’s data.

IMPORTANT: You can only add a native partner in Cerby if you have shared at least one asset with a partner in your paid social app or vice versa.

For security purposes, Cerby recommends that you invite the admin who will generate the token as a Guest User of your workspace. That way, they can securely share the token with you via a secret.

This article describes how to connect a Meta Business Manager native partner to Cerby.


The following are the requirements to connect a Meta Business Manager native partner to Cerby:

  • A Cerby account

  • A Meta Business Center integration in Cerby. For more information and instructions, read the article How to add a Meta Business Center integration

  • A partner in Meta Business Manager with the Full control role and shared access to your assets. Also, they must have already joined your Cerby workspace as a Guest User. For more information and instructions, read the article How to invite a guest user to your workspace

    NOTE: Cerby recommends your partner isolate your shared assets into a single Meta Business Manager to avoid syncing and importing information from other organizations or customers.

Connect a Meta Business Manager native partner to Cerby

To connect a Meta Business Manager native partner to Cerby, you and your partner must complete the following main steps:

The following sections describe each main step.

1. Partner setup in Meta Business Manager

Your partner must complete the following steps in Meta Business Manager to set up the connection to Cerby:

The following sections describe each step.

1. Request access to the Cerby Assets Manager app

To request access to the Cerby Assets Manager app, your partner must complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Settings icon located at the bottom-left side of the page. The Settings view is displayed.

  2. Select the Apps option from the Accounts drop-down list located in the left navigation drawer. The Apps page is displayed.

  3. Click the Add button. A drop-down list is displayed.

  4. Select the Request Access to an App ID option from the list. The Request an app dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 1.

    Screenshot of the Settings view of a Meta Business Manager. The Add an app dialog box is displayed on top of the Apps page with an input field for the App ID.

    Figure 1. Request an app dialog box in the Apps page of the Settings view

  5. Enter 2965389650414399 in the App ID field.

  6. Click the Request app button. A dialog box with an approved message is displayed, and the app permission request is sent to Cerby.

IMPORTANT: Your partner must wait for approval from Cerby for the app permission request to access the Cerby Assets Manager app. When approved, your partner receives a notification in their Meta Business Manager.

2. Generate a system user token

To generate a system user token, your partner must complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Settings icon located at the bottom-left side of the page. The Settings view is displayed.

  2. Select the System users option from the Users drop-down list located in the left navigation drawer. The System users page is displayed.

    NOTE: If you don’t have a system user, add one and assign it an Admin role before proceeding to step 4.

  3. Assign your partner’s assets to the system user by performing the following actions:

    1. Click the Assign assets button. The Assign assets and set permissions dialog box is displayed.

    2. Select all of the assets you want your partner to have visibility through Cerby.

    3. Assign the Full control role to all of the assets.

    4. Click the Save changes button. The Assets Added dialog box is displayed.

    5. Click the Done button. The dialog box closes.

  4. Generate an access token by performing the following actions:

    1. Select the system user you created.

      NOTE: If you already have a system user with an Admin role, select it.

    2. Click the Generate new token button. The Generate token dialog box is displayed.

    3. Select the Cerby Assets Manager option from the App drop-down list. Informational messages and the Token expiration and Permissions sections are displayed in a dialog box.

    4. Select the Never option from the Token expiration section.

    5. Select the following options from the Permissions section:

      • ads_management

      • business_management

      • catalog_management

      • pages_manage_metadata

      • pages_read_engagement

      • pages_show_list

    6. Click the Generate token button. An access token is generated and displayed in the dialog box, as shown in Figure 2.

      Screenshot of the Settings view of a Meta Business Manager. The Generate token dialog box is displayed on top of the System users page with an access token you can copy and an OK button.

      Figure 2. Access token in the Generate token dialog box

    7. Click the OK button. The dialog box closes.

3. Share the token as a secret through Cerby

To share the token with you as a secret through Cerby, your partner must follow the instructions in the articles Add a secret and Share access to a secret or secret item in Cerby.

Now, your partner is done. The next step is 2. Native partner connection in Cerby that you must complete using the Cerby web app.

2. Native partner connection in Cerby

You must complete the following steps in Cerby to connect with your Meta Business Manager native partner:

The following sections describe each step.

1. Connect the native partner to Cerby

To connect the native partner to Cerby, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to your Cerby workspace.

  2. Select the Apps option from the left navigation drawer. The Apps view is displayed.

  3. Click the corresponding app card. The app details page is displayed.

  4. Activate the Partners tab.

  5. Activate the Meta Business Partners tab from the Partners section. A list of partners with shared access to your assets is displayed, as shown in Figure 3.

    Screenshot of the app details page of a Meta Business Center integration. The Meta Business Partners table is displayed in the Partners tab.

    Figure 3. Meta Business Partners tab

    NOTE: If your partner exists in Meta but is not displayed in Cerby, perform a check for updates to sync and import the user data.

  6. Click the More options icon from the corresponding partner, which has a “Pending Cerby onboarding” status. A drop-down list is displayed.

  7. Select the Connect to Cerby button. The Add your partner token dialog box is displayed.

  8. Paste the token that your partner shared with you as a secret in the Partner Token field.

  9. Click the Connect button. The dialog box closes, a success message is displayed, and your partner now has the “Cerby onboarded” status.

The next step is 2. Sync and review your partner’s users, which you must complete from the app details page in Cerby.

2. Sync and review your partner’s users

To sync and review your partner’s users, you must complete the following steps from the app details page in Cerby:

  1. Click the Check for updates button located at the top right of the app details page. The process to sync and import to Cerby the partner’s user data may take a few seconds.

    NOTE: You can review the progress of the check for updates through the Automation view. When the corresponding automation task has the “Complete” status, you can continue to step 2.

  2. Activate the Members tab from the app details page.

  3. Activate the Meta Business guest users tab from the User Overview section. A table with the partner’s users is displayed.

Now you’re done. In subsequent checks for updates, you can retrieve the updated information from your partner’s users.

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