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Invite a guest user to your workspace

This article describes how to invite a guest user to join your Cerby workspace and be available for item sharing.

Cerby Team avatar
Written by Cerby Team
Updated over a week ago

Who can use this feature?

  • Workspace Owners, Super Admins, Admins, and Users

  • Only supported using the Cerby web app

  • If you are interested in this feature but don't see it available in your workspace, contact your Admin or our Customer Support team via email at

You can invite a guest user to your workspace in the following three ways:

The following sections describe each way.

From the All members view

To send a direct guest user invite from the All members view, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to your corresponding Cerby workspace.

  2. Select the All members option from the left navigation drawer. The All members view is displayed.

  3. Click the Add member button. A drop-down list is displayed, as shown in Figure 1.

    Screenshot of the Guest tab of the All Members view. The Add member drop-down list is displayed to select the Guest option and invite an external collaborator as guest user.

    Figure 1. All members view of the Cerby web app dashboard

  4. Select the Guest option from the list. The Invite guest user dialog box is displayed.

  5. Enter the guest user’s email address in the Email field.

  6. Click the Send invite button. The dialog box closes, a success message box is displayed, and the invite is sent to the guest user’s email.

Now you are done. The guest user must open the invite and set up their account to join your Cerby workspace. For instructions, read the article Join Cerby from a guest user invite. After joining, they are displayed in the Guest tab of the All Members view.

If, for any reason, the external collaborator doesn’t receive the invite, you can resend it by following the instructions in the Resend a guest user invite section.

From the Password Manager Importer

To send a guest user invite from the Password Manager Importer, you must follow the instructions from the Guest user section of the article How to use the Password Manager Importer.

IMPORTANT: Invites to guest users can only be sent after a successful migration of LastPass items and user access permissions.

From the Partners view

To send a guest user invite from the Partners view, as part of a local partner, you must follow the instructions from the Invite a Guest User to a local partner section of the article Manage a local partner’s guest members.

Resend a guest user invite

If you have sent an invite to a guest user and want to send a new invite, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to your corresponding Cerby workspace.

  2. Select the All members option from the left navigation drawer. The All members view is displayed.

  3. Activate the Guest tab. A list of guest users is displayed on a table.

  4. Click the More options icon of the corresponding guest user. A drop-down list is displayed.

  5. Select the Resend invite option. The Resend invite dialog box is displayed.

  6. Click the Resend invite button. The dialog box closes, a success message box is displayed, and the invite is sent to the guest user’s email address.

Now you are done.

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